Soda nail fungus

Among the remedies against nail fungus traditional medicine in soda, from the fungus on the nails, it is a leader. A food product in a short period of time, not being able to remove the itching, burning, inflammation, and to soothe traumatized skin and the ice.

soda when nail fungus

How is not baking a fungus

Soda, or sodium bicarbonate maintains the body's acid-alkaline balance, and being able to create an unfavorable environment for pathogenic micro-organisms.

How does soda:

  • it produces antibacterial action disinfects the affected areas;
  • softens the skin and the nail plate penetrates to the site of the infection;
  • dry, problem areas, and to prevent the spread of fungus to healthy nails and skin;
  • the decrease in the level of acidity in the places of localization of the infection, which is fatal to the fungus.

Baking soda relieves the division of the spores of the fungus and inhibits its further development.

Recipe by baking it against the nail fungus

In the fight against foot fungus (or athlete's foot) and nails (onychomycosis) sodium is used:

  • dry;
  • in the form of a solution;
  • as the pasta.

Depending on the stage of the disease and the characteristics of the organism a substance that can be added to the bath to make healing lotions and compresses, as well as in combination with other useful ingredients (salt, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, Laundry soap).

Baths with baking soda against the nail fungus

To prepare the treatment solution bath, you should to:

  • 2 liters of boiled water (37-40 °C), or a decoction of calendula dissolve 50 g of baking soda;
  • stir it thoroughly until dissolved in the water;
  • the prepared liquid pour into the prepared basin for my feet.

Soda in the bathroom to put my feet up and wait until the water is completely cool. And then two feet to rinse under running water, dry with a towel, and treat the wounded place the starch from the potato, or a powder.

baths with baking soda

Caustic ointment with a mint

Fresh mint leaves, crushed to a pulp, and mix it with the salt and baking soda (1 teaspoon). A homogeneous mass is spread in between your toes and damaged toenails, leave on for 25-35 minutes. The procedure can be done 1 time per day until complete recovery.

The combination of the mint with the baking soda and the salt allows you to quickly relieve itching, eliminate the burning sensation and pain, soothe and disinfect the problem areas.

Toothpaste, with aloe and baking soda

50 g of sodium bicarbonate, add a little water to get a creamy consistency. In a dense mass, to pour the 15 ml of the juice of the aloe, and mix it thoroughly.

The prepared paste for the lubrication of the nail plate for a half an hour before going to bed. After the medium dries and soaks his feet wet is not possible.

The course of treatment is from 2 weeks to 4 months.

Soda and soap

A great feature of the tank has a solution of baking soda and soap. For its preparation you need 3 gallons of warm water (not above 37 degrees) dissolve 15 g soap and 30 g of sodium. In the ready-made liquid to steam the feet in it for 10-15 minutes. Then I cut off the affected nail and cover it with a vinegar or iodine.

The treatment in this way, it lasts until the regrowth of a healthy nail.

Lotions with baking soda, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide

In 1 liter of warm water dissolve 100 g of sodium bicarbonate (to repay vinegar), add 200 ml of peroxide, and 150 ml of 9% vinegar. The resulting solution to moisten a cotton pad and apply to the pain in the nail and secure with tape. Dress code change at an interval of 6-8 hours. The remedy in this way, it is possible for 35-40 days.

Sodium and iodine

In the states, I heated up the 40-degree water, add 50 g of sodium bicarbonate, and 7 drops of an alcoholic solution of iodine. Mix it all in and float in the liquid leg for at least 10 minutes. At the end of the procedure to clear the problem areas of the stratum corneum, and to treat it with peroxide, let it air dry on its own.

The recipe helps you get rid of a fungal illness within a period of one month.

soda fungus

Herbal baths with baking soda, and salt

Softening of the skin, decontaminate the affected area and reduce the inflammation it will help the sodium bicarbonate solution to mix with the salt to the pot.

Method of preparation:

  • to make a decoction in 2 l water, chamomile, succession, and oak bark (to 30 g of each compound);
  • in the chilled to 37 degrees, the liquid, and add 3 tbsp of baking soda and the same of salt, stir until full dissolution;
  • strain the solution and pour into a bowl, and start the process.

The leg in such a bath you should keep for 25-30 minutes and then cut off the affected nail and treat the problem on the spot with the vinegar, peroxide, or iodine. The cure-fungal and kills bacteria and prevents their spread.

Important! Baking therapy is an effective complementary tool in a comprehensive cure for onychomycosis and athlete's foot. Prescriptions the use of sodium bicarbonate can be combined, alternated. It is the most important thing before treatment is to consult with a doctor, and I agree with him that all options for treatment.

Baking soda to kill the pathogens, they regulate the acid-alkaline balance in the body, and to prevent the proliferation of fungal infections. Its use in the fight against onychomycosis allows you to quickly deal with a nasty illness for a long time now in order to prevent relapses.